
L’ensemble des travaux du BMC est orienté vers la production de textes académiques, mais également de textes de vulgarisation destinés à un public plus large.


Relations intergouvernementales : Perception de l’importance du gouvernement municipal
Les élues et élus municipaux ne se croient pas qu'ils sont considérés comme des partenaires égaux en matière d'élaboration des politiques considérés.

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Intergovernmental Relations: Perceived importance of municipal government
Local politicians in Canada do not think they are seen as an equal policy making partner by other levels of government.

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Qui souhaite se présenter à nouveau ?
Les politiciens locaux canadiens montrent un intérêt à se présenter à une autre élection, avec certaines variations entre les hommes et les femmes.

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Who wants to run again?
Local Canadian politicians show interest in running in another election with some variation betwen men and women and year of birth.

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“Family-friendly” Initiatives in Municipal Councils: Perceptions and Opinions of Local Politicians
"Family-friendly" Initiatives in Municipal Councils: Perceptions and Opinions of Local Politicians
Family-friendly policies receive varying degrees of support from local politicians, with women more likely to endorse these initiatives than men.

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Perceptions of Performance as an Elected Representative
Local politicians in Canada show gender-based differences in self-perceived performance on municipal responsibilities.

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Quels sont les aspects que les élu·e·s municipaux aiment et n'aiment pas de leur travail ?
Entre idéaux et réalités, les résultats mettent en évidence des conceptions diverses de la fonction élective.

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What do councilors and mayors like and dislike about their job?
From enjoying community engagement to struggling with a demanding schedule, CMB research sheds light on the life of a municipal representative.

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Federal-Municipal and Provincial-Municipal Relations in Canada: Insights from Local Politicians
Most local politicians rate their relationships with provincial and federal governments positively, though ratings vary across provinces

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Municipal politicians claim to be ideological moderates. Is it true?
Municipal politicians often portray themselves as pragmatic, neutral policy makers, but their policy attitudes say otherwise.

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Canadians want politicians who reflect their views. Is that what they get?
Right now, in provincial election campaigns across Canada, voters are trying to work out which political parties and local candidates might be...

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What do Canadian elected officials think about rising property values? Perspectives from 2020 to 2024
With the housing crisis affecting the entire country, different levels of government adopted various measures to curb the crisis.

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Que pensent les élu·e·s municipaux canadiens de l’augmentation de la valeur des propriétés ? Perspectives de 2020 à 2024
Alors que la crise du logement touche l’ensemble du pays, diverses mesures ont été adoptées par les différents niveaux de gouvernement pour tenter...

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mayors and cabinet ministers
CMB researchers win J.E. Hodgetts Award for 2023 CPA Article
Canadian Municipal Barometer researchers Gabriel Eidelman and Jack Lucas were recently awarded the J.E. Hodgetts Award for best English-language...

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